G.A. Paper International Inc.

327 Renfrew Drive - Suite 102 Markham, Ontario, L3R 9S8, Canada

Tel: +1 905 479 7600

Fax: +1 905 479 8714

G.A. Paper International (USA) Inc.

5017 W. Laurel Street, Tampa, Florida 33607, USA

Tel: +1 813 287 1160

Fax: +1 813 287 1814


International Affiliates

G.A. Paper’s senior traders, headquartered in Toronto, Canada, engage with associates across the globe—including China, the Indian Subcontinent, Central America, South America, Europe, the Middle East and the U.S.

G.A. Paper’s vast network of subsidiaries and affiliates ensures the highest quality of service anywhere in the world.